Hazel Grace*
Editorial Offi ce, Journal of Nutraceutical and Food Science, London, UK
Received Date: July 06, 2021; Accepted Date: July 13, 2021; Published Date: July 25, 2021
Citation: Grace H (2021) The Green Revolution of India. J Nutraceuticals Food Sci Vol.6 No.6:31
In 1965, the fi rst High Yielding Variety (HYV) seeds were introduced into Indian agriculture, kicking off the Green Revolution. To improve the harvest, this was combined with better and more eff ective irrigation and the proper use of fertilisers. The Green Revolution's ultimate goal was to make India self-suffi cient in food grains. India had to reconstruct its economy after 1947. Agriculture supported more than three-quarters of the population. However, India's agriculture has a number of issues. To begin with, grain productivity was quite poor and, due to a lack of irrigation and other infrastructure, India was still reliant on the monsoon.
So, in 1965, the government began the Green Revolution with the support of Indian geneticist M.S. Swaminathan, recognised as the "Father of the Green Revolution." The movement was a huge success and lasted from 1967 through 1978.
For the fi rst time in Indian agriculture, HYV seeds were introduced. These seeds performed better with wheat crops and were especially successful in areas with adequate irrigation. As a result, the fi rst stage of the Green Revolution concentrated on states with stronger infrastructure, such as Punjab. During the second phase, HYV seeds were sent to a number of diff erent states, and crops other than wheat were included in the plan. Proper irrigation is one of the most important requirements for HYV seedlings. Crops grown from HYV seeds require varying quantities of water during their growth. As a result, the farmers cannot rely on monsoons. Inland irrigation systems around fi elds in India were greatly enhanced as a result of the Green Revolution. The plan focused mostly on food grains such as wheat and rice. Commercial crops such as cotton, jute, oilseeds, and other cash crops were not included in the plan.
Fertilizer supply and use should be increased to boost farm output. To minimise crop loss or damage, insecticides and weedicides are used. Finally, technology and machinery such as tractors, harvesters, and drills were introduced.
• The impacts of green revolution
• Increased agriculture production
• Increase productivity of crops
• The graph of import got nosedived
• Increase in employment