Announcement- Researchers are Invited for Submission

Amelia Williams

Published Date: 2021-04-30

Amelia Williams*

Editorial Office, iMed Publications, London, UK

Corresponding Author:
Amelia Williams
Editorial Office
iMed Publications
London, UK

Received date: April 09, 2021; Accepted date: April 23, 2021; Published date: April 30, 2021

Citation: Williams A (2021) Announcement-Researchers are Invited for Submission. J Nutraceuticals Food Sci Vol.6 No.3:15.

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First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to the Open Access Journal's editors for their tireless efforts. Food science is concerned with the research of nutraceuticals and food. Journal has partnered with more than 50 eminent Editors to publish high-quality articles in the area of food science. We use an Editorial Monitoring System, which is an online document submission, inspection, and tracking system, to ensure consistency in the peer review process. Before being published by the publisher, any citable manuscript must be reviewed by at least two professional reviewers; review processing is handled by members of the Journal's editorial board or outside experts. Writers can send manuscripts to the method and monitor their progress in order to get them completed. We are grateful for the invaluable contributions of our board members to both our rigorous companion audit framework and the critical success of the Journal we distribute, as you are all aware. The Journal group is made up of scholars from around the world who specialise in particular logical distributions. Both submitted papers go through several phases to ensure delivery continuity. The compositions are audited in the same way as other documents are. The seemingly limitless stock of paper serves as a jumping off point for screening. In either case, two free references are included with the appropriate posts. The comments of the arbitrators are taken into account by the Editor-in-Chief, who is responsible for making the final decision. Giving our respected developers timely and positive reviews will continue to be a top priority in order for their work to be made accessible to the rest of the world on time. The COVID-19 epidemic has wreaked havoc around the world, posing problems for everyone. Several researchers/technicians are also grappling with problems such as laboratory closures and remote teaching while still dealing with the impact of the pandemic situation on their daily lives. Any of the reporters, critics, and writers of numerous publications is also pandemicfighting physicians. As a result, delays are unavoidable during this pandemic time, and we would like to express our gratitude. It is critical that our Editors and Editorial Advisory Board discuss the topics we distribute and represent the countries from which our submissions are submitted. In addition, our journal has aided early-career scholars.

Researchers/Scientists/Authors are encouraged to submit their CV and scientific interests to join the Editorial Board, where they will collaborate together with the Editors and Reviewers to ensure a high-quality and timely review process. If you're interested in joining our Editorial Board, please send us a revised CV, research interests, biography, and recent photograph (JPG) to the following E-mail:

Submit Manuscripts to the Editorial tracking system at For the next two years, the editors want to collaborate with our newly hired individuals. I extend a warm welcome to all members of our board of directors, as well as to all who have selected to complete our well-known list of researchers.

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